Safety Health Environment Quality

The consideration of the health and safety of our operatives, staff and the public are at the forefront of everything we do.
Our company are proud to have achieved CHAS accreditation and SSIP certification, all of our policies can be viewed on constructionline within our profile along with our insurances. Our company membership number is 141638 and we hold the following key insurances:
Public and Employers Liability - £10m
Contractors All Risks - £5m
Professional Indemnity - £10m
Our policies and project planning procedures are robust and continually updated in compliance with changing industry standards and on site experience. Typically all sites have bespoke “Construction Phase Health and Safety Plans” which outline how we will safely deliver each project. This plan is then implemented during the works through a number of site procedures including risk assessments, method statements, waste management planning, first aid provision, site welfare accommodation and site organisational plans.
Our project managers are experienced and competent in health and safety holding as a minimum a SMSTS and first aid level 2 qualification. All tradesmen and suppliers hold a valid CSCS qualification before entry is permitted to our sites.
As a business we continually self audit through weekly site managers inspections, but importantly we also employ an external NEBOSH qualified consultant to independently audit our sites once a month and provide support through professional advice to our managers.